Meta's Magic

Well, here it comes.

Does anyone know Harry B from Meta?
I was just notified by Harry B that my Facebook page will be permanently deleted due to a post that has infringed upon Facebook trademark rights. More detail is provided through a link to review and appeal.
When I received this notification, I saw the link and said, “I am not a fool”, so I let it go. I think they might be serious.

First, I’m not sure what they are even talking about as I have only shared links to my website, a website where I write a blog, and I sell things. If you are reading this now, you are on the website reading the blog. Not looking at funny memes or ads on Facebook. I have not posted anything other than links. Is it possible I may have signaled I liked someone else’s post that the Meta biased opinion doesn’t think I should like, so I am being swatted like a child?

I have been through this with Facebook over the last 15 years on multiple occasions. If there is a post or an ad that may go against the Meta guidelines, then you are threatened with removal, suspension, or permanent deletion. I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what I could possibly post as an advertisement for my business, attempting to be funny, comical, or witty, that could break any more rules than the semi pornographic posts that pass by that are seemingly ok to Meta.
Furthermore, if they would like to include a little more detail with what they are referring to instead of sending us down a rabbit hole to find out how to get released from the Meta prison of shame, that would help as well. But we know that is not part of the Meta game. “Do as I say and then I will change my thoughts and then do as I say anyway.”

 - Sidenote – There is no such thing as Mis or Dis – information. It is all information that may or may not be factual or liked. In Meta’s case it is usually what they like to block to help promote their controlled environment. Although Mis can be used to change the meaning of a word to show it may be incorrect or done badly. When it comes to using it as a prefix to Information, it would have to be proven without a doubt it is incorrect, every aspect of the information.
With the addition of all the new words that fit certain purposes and agendas, it is no wonder Webster doesn’t have 20 volumes for the dictionary set.

I guess a bigger question is, how did we allow a stupid application that is not only intrusive, spamming, overbearing, and quite frankly a little big for its britches, ever get so dominating and controlling? Where is the competition? Obviously not allowed to be competitive with the Meta. This goes along with my last blog on AI and Technology. When will it stop steering us into the circle it wants everybody to be in?
Answer there is to stop letting it. I don’t have to be on Facebook or Instagram, and quite honestly, as fun as the entertainment is sometimes, I can do without it.
I do like to touch base with old friends and share funny things with my family, I will look for other avenues. As for Meta helping me with my business and gaining more views by posting ads and such, that is a complete goose egg (0). We know it is all in the algorithm and how they are manipulated.

The irony of this, when we started our website to sell products that we make ourselves, and used the tools provided through the site builder, it came down to the social media links of Facebook, Instagram Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Not a huge selection, almost as though it’s all connected. Maybe I want to try and use an alternative social media link, not allowed. The mega companies rule what we see, what we can type, and what we will receive.
Don’t believe me? Grab your phone and if you have a Facebook account go ahead and start scrolling through the new posts. At the same time start talking aloud about something completely off the wall, like getting a new dishwasher, or a fish aquarium. I put money down that within an hour, you will start seeing new ads about exactly what you were talking about, both on Facebook and Google search.
This is not a coincidence.

In any case, the frustration with the mega social sites has come to a head and it is time to let Facebook delete my pages for something they call infringing on the trademark rights. Everybody knows this means that they don’t like opposing opinions, where we may not be a fan of the vaccine, think Fauci and Clinton are crooks, or something as simple as our choice in medicines and who we listen to for medical research. I certainly don’t want to listen to a lifelong politician that has been a lawyer and not a doctor most of their life, or a man with the last name Gates that is trying to buy up all the farmland to start producing “Bio-meat”. What the hell?

If you are an actor, act, if you are a singer, then sing, if you are a pro baller, play ball. You make the big bucks to do what your job title suggests, please stick to that. When you stand in front of a microphone and spout your political beliefs, it is nothing more than an opinion such as us common folk on Meta, Instagram, or YouTube. So why do we, the common folk, get stifled?

This is my opinion and my experience. There are many that have great experiences with these mega socials.

Anyway, just “Thinking Out Loud”.



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