Literature, Perfection, and Then There's Me
I’ll come right out and say it, I love to write. A Charles Dickens
I am not. My words on paper cannot compare to the eloquence of our classic
favorites, yet, I still put down my thoughts in hopes someone will read. What
comes from the bottom of my pen is purely expressed from my head. I write from
my heart and what is on my mind. I guess you could say my writing technique is equal
to Tommy Boy’s selling technique. Rather rough around the edges, and most definitely
a grammatical error here and there. I have never been able to articulate a
thought with finesse. I blurt out a
thought and invariably have to explain what I meant in embarrassment. I says
what I feel, and feel what I says.
When I first began dating my lovely wife of 41 years, I remember, and so does
she I might add, loving the color of her eyes. They are green and, in the
light, sparkled and shined. In my usual speak before think, I got really close
to her and said, “I love your eyes, they remind me of lizard eyes”.
Now, most of you are thinking how cruel. In my head, I thought it would be a
compliment as I thought lizards had extremely cool eyes. Nope, didn’t work out
like I expected, and 42 years later we still laugh at my romantic ways.
Yes, believe it or not she stuck around for another date.
Stop – Squirrel, time to put on some music for this post:
Chris Botti, To Love Again, 2005, Columbia
Il Divo, Il Divo, 2004, Syco
Those that are unfamiliar with my posts, I include my playlists. Hoping I can
share some good tunes as well if readers are interested in checking them out. I
do not rate the music, but if I’m listening to it while I am writing then it is
a preference. Hint!
The irony is a reader I am not. I cannot settle down long enough to open a good
book and turn page after page as the hours slip away. I do have a few favorite
authors from my earlier years; Og Mandino, Charles Dickens, Stephen R Donaldson,
and John Steinbeck. An eclectic montage
of styles I know. I guess it’s like my taste in music, I like everything as
long as it doesn’t suck, our opinions being the judges on what sucks.
Through the years there have been many attempts at writing. I tried writing a
few songs in the way back era of the 1980’s, but just couldn’t find any
performers wanting to collaborate. I mean I didn’t sing nor play any of the
official garage band instruments, so I had a limited takers on my renditions of
lyrics, actually none. I do recall a local band wanting to put music to one of
my pieces, “Bending Over and Grabbing Your Shoes Blues”. Nothing
ever came of it and I carried on with day job. It was a future Grammy winner
for sure.
My wife and I joined together on a very unique idea and
spent a few months trading sessions on the typewriter, (yep, before computers).
We started out writing together then had an idea to trade off to see where our
imaginations would take us. Where one would stop, the other would continue the best
they could in the same tone. We knew it was the next best seller. That too faded
into the mist.
Somewhere, at the bottom of a box, in a room unknown to us is the rough draft
to that story. One day we will search for it and see if it was truly as
fantastic as we remember.
Then tragedy struck our family in the late 90’s and I began to write again. This time short stories. Although I immersed myself deeper than ever before, the result of my writing did not win people over. I was once again putting to paper what I was feeling and thinking but using characters and places, not me and not my surroundings. It was very dark and people did not understand or see my vision as it was rather abstract. There were a variety of tales that all seemed to have a correspondence with death.
Through the years I wanted to put these stories together in compilation, but they are missing. To this day I am looking for that notebook because I felt they were very good stories that just needed some fine tuning to be public. It is most likely in the same box as the previously missing masterpiece.
It was the beginning of a new era and I began dabbling in digital art. I worked with many programs to accomplish my final outcomes. My words became colors and shapes. I have touched on my digital artwork in previous posts. It was there that others could see my vision. Many of my digital images were dark as well, but were accepted. I had fun creating images that made some one guess where I was
coming from, and from time to time it seemed I was in a very dark place mentally. That was many years ago and I look back at the archives I have left and am certainly glad I moved on.
I attempted blogging around 2012 or so and it lasted a short
time as well. I just couldn’t find my audience. I would get a few comments and
then silence. No more views. I had my dedicated readers, upstairs in one of the
three bedrooms. All the support one needed to continue. Granted, I am not a literary
scholar nor a marketing genius and I knew it was all about how to reach the
viewers, not necessarily my subjects. When I read back through the material
from years ago, it seems I have always touched on what was happening on a
personal basis. Not necessarily best-selling material, but I am sharing to the
readers and then maybe they can share with themselves, and reflect. Too many
people close the curtains and don’t look out.
Articles have pointed me to trying to find the right niche,
or topic to write about, choosing one from a list that shows popular subjects.
I realize that these are proven successful processes for most. I feel I have
found a niche; I talk about everyday feelings and what happens in our lives. It’s
a release. Not everybody can relate to the arts, technology, or politics, but
they can certainly relate to a death in the family, or missing their family
members, or how the holidays will be spent and with whom. How we relate to our
spirituality, or admit to it is another important topic. Viewers may not talk
about these subjects openly, but they certainly can read a blog and reflect on
personal experiences. I hope that what I write helps others know that we all
have situations in our lives that are great, or not so great, and then become
great. Take a deep breath and then a sigh of relief realize that no, you are
not alone.
A lot of “Thinking Out Loud”.
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